Error Log Examples

Error Log Examples

This document breaks down common error log examples or results. To view your errors, go to the Admin Cog > Data Extracts and click the "3 bar" menu icon below the "Run" link.

There is a column called "Message" where the following errors may be provided. This only covers "error" statuses. If the status reads "info", this is a step that successfully ran.

Log doesn't open and instead a dialogue box says "No log entries for scheduled extract ID #<number>."

This occurs when the extract has not run in the past seven days (automated or manually). Please run the job manually or wait for the automation to occur.

"Unable to open remote file: ssh2.sftp://Resource id #<number>/<directory>"

This message appears when there is an issue with your SFTP directory. Note, your job successfully authenticates to the SFTP server but then fails when it attempts to push the file into the provided directory.

If you are seeing a "Resource id #123" or a similar notation in the log, try using "../" to negate this artifact. This is a known issue and happens for a small number of our jobs. For example, if you are pushing your file into the directory "username/import", but the message reads "Unable to open remote file: ssh2.sftp://Resource id #123/username/import/sample.txt", try updating your directory field to "../username/import".

"Failed to open local file '<directory>/<filename>'"

If this error occurs, please contact our help desk at (949)-242-0343 or email us at [email protected].

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