Custom Report Limitations that may affect your Extract

Custom Report Limitations that may affect your Extract

There are some limitations you should be aware of when generating extracts from Custom Reports. The following are undergoing feature requests and suggested workarounds if they exist.

You can submit a feature request to our Aha page at anytime for anything not listed below.

Table of Contents

Attendance Meta-Data is tied to ADA Refresh

Issue Description

As of now, Attendance Meta-Data is tied to an ADA Refresh. This limits the data you can send in the morning. Most districts and charter school organizations are set to automatically refresh their ADA data, typically around 3:00 AM. This means attendance meta-data will not have data as of today's data.


We provide absence, tardy and other attendance mark files to work around this limitation. You can call our help desk at (949)-242-0343 or send in an email to [email protected] for more information.

I need to provide a column more than once in a report.

Issue Description

As of now, the "Add Columns" feature of Custom Reporting will not allow a column to be added more than once. For example, this is an issue for extracts where the local student ID is in the student ID field but also the username and/or temporary password field.


You can use Advanced > Add a Calculation and using the string-calculations to add a calculation where you make no modifications and just include the string un-altered. This effectively is a duplicate column.

Delimiter Options

Issue Description

We currently only support comma (,) or tab-delimited files. The uncommon options, such as carrot-delimited (^), pipe-delimited (|) and fixed-width are currently not available.


Currently there are no work-arounds other than writing a script after the file is generated. You may want to call your vendor and speak with them to support tab-delimited and comma-separated value.

Meta-Data with line-breaks/carriage returns (<br>, <pre>, etc) do not work with extracts and generate tags in the extract.

There are several columns of meta-data that might have breaks between different lines of text. While these are great for things such as custom forms, report cards, widgets or transcripts, these currently do not work correctly with our extract tool.

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